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Army Men Toy War Shooter

Army Men Toy War Shooter
  • 大小:54.71MB
  • 平台:安卓
  • 标签:
  • 语言:中文
  • 时间:2024-02-19
  • 厂商:
  • 如果不会安装游戏,可以点击这里: 安装教程


It’s time to remember your childhood! Control the army of toy soldiers, use all your tactical and strategic skills and defeat your opponent’s army forces playing this fantastic game!

Are you ready to destroy bad guys with your own little army of toy soldiers? Choose your battlefield - be it a bathroom, kitchen, living room or even garden – make a clear placement of your troops and rush into this epic battle of Army Men Toy War Shooter!

Of course, your soldiers and mercenaries are just plastic toys – but battles are as thrilling as a real war conflict! Mind that your army is not so large, so appreciate its every unit! When the time would be over, the army with live toy soldiers would win the battle! Your mission is to stop your rivals’ army with the minimum of your own losses!

Earn coins for each successfully passed battle and buy new interesting weapons, skins for your brutal plastic soldier or the ammunition for your super army! Remember that every weapon has its own characteristic features, so choose wisely, think ahead and think over your strategy – the moment is precious! Mind your army indicators not to lose anyone and have fun!

Complete missions with rising difficulty levels and defeat every army of your rivals! Improve your shooting and strategy skills being an ordinary soldier of the smallest but the mightiest army and fighting with the other army! Capture the base of your opponents and try not to lose any soldier of your side!

Win this war and become the ruler of the household battleground with Army Men Toy War Shooter!

Army Men Toy War Shooter features:

• Amazing toy soldiers battlefield shooter

• Wide range of different weapons with their own characteristics

• Chance to improve your tactics and strategy skills

• Outstanding 3D graphics

Improve your shooting and strategy skills being an ordinary soldier of the smallest but the mightiest army in this house and fighting with the other army in Army Men Toy War Shooter!

Your use of Army Men Toy War Shooter is free of charge in exchange for safely using some of your device's resources (WiFi and very limited cellular data), and only when you are not using your device. You may turn this off from the settings menu. Please see our TOS for further information: http://valart331.wixsite.com/furygamesteam/single-post/2017/12/19/FURY-GAMES-TEAM-PRIVACY-POLICY

以上就是El Mono Mario的全部内容了,想要了解更多El Mono Mario相关资讯,敬请关注游戏爱好者站,超多有趣内容等你来玩!







立即阅读2024-04-09 14:20:26


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